
Goodnight Already
Written by Jory John. Illustrated by Benji Davies.
HarperCollins (2015)
SUMMARY: Bear has never been so tired, but his next-door neighbor, a wide-awake duck, keeps disturbing his sleep.
NOTE: The narrative is composed of a conversation between Bear, who wants to go to sleep, and Duck, who is wide awake and seeking company.

Gwendolyn Grace
Written by Katherine Hannigan. Illustrated by Katherine Hannigan.
Greenwillow (2015)
SUMMARY: Gwendolyn Grace, a preschool alligator in a pink tutu, wants to play. But her mother insists that she pipe down, because the baby is trying to sleep. Gwendolyn Grace can't quite believe it.
NOTE: The narrative is a conversation between a mother and child, who questions her mother about what is allowed (not much) and not allowed (a lot) to do as the baby sleeps.